Spiti Escape: A Journey to the Land of High Passes

Spiti Escape: A Journey to the Land of High Passes

Are you ready to take an epic adventure trip to Spiti? This experience takes you into the trans himalayan region of Spiti which is another chunk of Tibet marooned within India. One is sure to have an out-of-the-world experience in this cold desert – this place has a vibe that leaves you speechless with its spectacular landscapes, age-old monuments and rich history. Join us on this otherworldly adventure with strangers who’ll turn into a family as we fill our bags with many memories to takeaway.


About Spiti:

Spiti is a remote, high-altitude region located in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, stark landscapes, and unique cultural heritage. The region is situated in the Himalayan mountain range, and is characterized by towering peaks, deep gorges, and winding rivers. Spiti is also home to several ancient Buddhist monasteries, some of which date back more than 1,000 years.

Due to its remote location and harsh climate, Spiti is not as well-known or heavily visited as some other regions of India. However, this has helped to preserve its natural and cultural heritage, and has made it a popular destination for travelers seeking a unique and off-the-beaten-path experience. Whether you’re interested in trekking, photography, or cultural exploration, Spiti is a destination that is sure to captivate and inspire you.